It’s the best weekend of the year for YA fans – YALLWest! And even better: now that I’m an official Californian, it’s just a quick drive down to the beach to Santa Monica High. Hooray!
Here’s where you can find me this Saturday, May the 4th (be with you) at SaMoHi!
The Women of Marvel
11:00am – Cafeteria
Join a live recording of the Women of Marvel podcast, hosted by Judy Stephens and Sana Amanat, who will be talking everything from Captain Marvel to Ms. Marvel along with a cast of Marvel comic + novel creators, as well as a few special guests.
With Sana Amanat, Lorraine Cink, Margaret Stohl, Andrea Towers, and Steve Wacker. Moderated by Judy Stephens.
12:00pm – Innovation Quad
Bring your books or grab one on-site!
How to Make the Next Fortnite
1:00pm – Tent
Building a mega hit or meta fandom doesn’t happen just by accident. Game industry veterans offer practical tips for creating meaningful worlds, factions, heroes and communities – all starring players – beyond the latest Fortnite dance. Teen creators are encouraged to share a favorite idea or to ask for help with something you’re stuck on.
With Charles Beacham, M.E. Chung, Adam Miller, Mallory Schleif, and Luke Timmins. Moderated by Dave Stohl.
How to up Your Cosplay Game, Youtube Channel, Webcomic, or Fandom Life
2:00pm – Tent
From Captain Marvel cosplays, YouTube Marvel Minutes, Dinosaur Comics and a YA podcast to nerd girl guides and superhero speak – we’ve got all the expertise you need to up your fandom game. Teen creators are encouraged to share a favorite fandom idea or to ask for help with something you’re stuck on.
With Judy Stephens, Lorraine Cink, Ryan North, F.C. Yee, Andrea Towers, and Sarah Enni. Moderated by me!
Only Girl in the Room
4:00pm – Gallery
From Girl game director to queer comics creator and everything inbetween. The thing about paving the way is you never get to walk on the pavement. Come trade war stories.
With Marguerite Bennett, M.E. Chung, Amy S. Foster, Carolina Munhoz, Tiffany Pham, and Michele Wells. Moderated by me!